Why did you start your business?
I established my business driven by a profound desire to pursue my passion for design. Throughout my life, I have consistently held great admiration for various elements of graphic design, such as street signs and bus wraps, and always pondered over the methods employed to create them. When an unexpected termination from my previous employment came my way, I perceived it as an opportunity to take a leap of faith into the graphic design industry.
What's the one thing you're proud of in your business journey?
I would have to say my flyer designs have been the most selling service, due to it bringing in incredibly results especially when running ads.
What's the biggest accomplishment for your business?
Reaching 4k followers this year and working with over 300 clients.
What do you think you need in order to get to your dream brand?
More faith and more prayer in my opinion; as long as I put the work in, I know God will get me there. I just need to have more faith, more patience and pray.
It's 5 years from now and you're sitting at the top in your penthouse, what's the one thing you would share with yourself today?
I would tell myself we did it, pat myself on the back, and get back to work - it’s time to go harder.
Who I am:
Julee Clervoyant
Unique, ambitious, caring
Favorite Movie: Little Princess
Favorite Place To Go: Miami
Favorite Quote:
Walk by faith & not by sight.
Keep Up With My Brand
Instagram: @graphicsgalorestudioo
Facebook: Graphics Galore Studio
TikTok: Graphicsgalorestudio
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The Penthouse Magazine is built on the idea of building up businesses and providing them with the publicity they more than deserve. If you, or anyone you know, has a business and would like to be featured, share their information with us down below.