I love the creative space, and as much as it has been democratised, which is amazing, I saw professionals lost in the sea of everyone being a creative. I wanted to create an ethical platform where every single photographer is on a level playing field regardless of where they come from, their age, gender, ethnicity... Where the artist gets paid decent for their art. I also wanted to find a way to really think about sustainability, the environment as much as possible. These are in my DNA. I wanted to show that a responsible company blueprint is just as, if not more successful than one that is not. On the personal side I want to work in an area I love and am super passionate about. I want to have the freedom from a "boss" and a location, but also to spend more time with loved ones.
To help women who struggle with sexual trauma, shame, confidence and pleasure to transform their sex lives and relationships. Having come from a place of sexual trauma and shut down myself, after years of working on healing my own sexual “stuff”, I became passionate about supporting others in this realm. Once I became qualified in Yoni Mapping Therapy and Sex coaching it was a natural progression to start my own business because there aren’t too many employment opportunities for those in my industry. Creating my own business was the only option in order to offer my services to clients and help more people who are suffering with toxic, mediocre or unfulfilling relationships and sex lives!
The origin story of my entrepreneurial journey is becoming more common in the military world. As a military spouse, we were constantly PCSing every three years. While most companies state they are open to hiring military spouses, most frown upon training new employees with the knowledge they will lose them when new (military) orders come through. I needed something that could move with me - whether we were stateside or overseas. It initially started as a side hustle; however, as we welcomed children into our family - I enjoyed the flexibility of owning my own business. I was able to be present as a mother for my children while still working and contributing to the growth of my business. As my children have gotten older, I have the pleasure of demonstrating hard work as well as being in the position to give back. When my youngest son starts telling me business ideas because he "wants to own a business like Mommy" one day, there is no greater drive than that.
I started my business to help female entrepreneurs feel confident within their brand by building a visual foundation that is just as great as their product/service!
I started my business as a way to bring my creative side out. I was always one to fall in love with the arts. As a kid, I danced, played instruments, and drew. Digital design was the one thing I never tapped into. When it took off I found a way to connect my two passions, the art and helping people. I always wanted whatever profession I enter to serve a purpose to help people. At first it was a teacher but now I’m on the path to become a doctor and designing full time. Designing always me to be me, creative, ambitious and just to make someone goals and dreams come to life makes me smile.
During my childhood, I struggled with self esteem issues and it really held me back from attending certain events such as concerts, brunch dates and girls trips with my friends. I avoided taking pictures and missing out on memorable events due to this issue. I decided to do my own research and developed a company that would help women feel beautiful without spending hundreds of dollars at the salon.